The MEAM is a living museum and in permanent movement: Exhibitions, Concerts, Theater, Courses of Painting and Sculpture, Workshops for children...
Do not pass up the opportunity to discover and be part of MEAM, Help us put Contemporary Figurative Art in the place it deserves.
Contemporary Figurative Art of 21st Century
Discover a collection of works of living artists that constitutes the main wealth of the MEAM, it includes near a thousand works of artists of the five continents.
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Friends of MEAM
By becoming a friend of MEAM you can take advantage of great benefits and help us to preserve and promote figurative art and its creators.
Learn more![Experience](https://www.meam.es/images/lloguer.jpg)
Space rental
The MEAM offers the possibility of renting different spaces to celebrate all kinds of events and private, corporate or institutional events.
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Eloy Morales
The MEAM presents the painting of Eloy Morales (Madrid, 1973), one of the most influential painters of Spanish realism of the moment, a multifaceted creator who...
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Realism Now
A Portrait of the Inner Life of the World «The beautiful is the beginning of the terrible that we can still endure». Rainer Maria...
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Call for entries
The MEAM Hall
The MEAM is pleased to announce that the call for entries is now open for the new edition of The MEAM Hall, the museum’s international...
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Call for entries
Figurativas 2025
The Figurativas 2025 International Painting and Sculpture Competition opens its doors to all representational artists and invites them to participate in this new...
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Friday Blues
Every Friday, the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) transforms into a whirlwind of music and art! The "Friday Blues" series offers you the chance to...
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Saturday Classics
The European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) is a place that goes beyond the mere display of contemporary figurative paintings. It's a space that breathes life and...
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Sunday Sounds
MEAM takes pride in bringing musical diversity to everyone, as we understand culture and art as transformative elements of society. For this reason, we are...
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¿What do those who have already visited the Museum think?
Write your opinion in TripAdvisor
Qué agradable sorpresa ha supuesto el Museo Europeo de Arte Moderno. No sabía ni que existía tal colección en Barcelona. Situado en un bonito palacio de tres plantas casi al lado del Museo Picasso, contiene obras del siglo XX y actual. ¡A mi me ha encantado y repetiré!
Eva / wrote in Minube -
"Todo está hecho para crear un ambiante de escape, desde la elección de las obras hasta la atmósfera musical a través de los lugareños. Un muy buen momento. Cerca del Museo Picasso y sus dos horas de cola. A tener en cuenta, la gran predisponibilidad del personal en el lugar."
Julien L / wrote in TripAdvisor -
"En este clásico palacete, hay una exposición de pinturas y esculturas poco común repartides en 3 plantas. Este tipo de arte moderno no se trata de instalaciones rarás sino de arte de verdad. Aquí todo es bello, raro y excepcional."
Capdev / wrote in TripAdvisor -
"Un museo que presenta pinturas y esculturas figurativas en un antiguo palacete, Un concierto lírico en el medio del museo mientras bebes té. Un momento de plenitud."
denis_swiss / wrote in TripAdvisor -
"Si hay un museo que no se puede perder en Barcelona, ?? es este lugar. Contiene tesoros del arte internacional contemporáneo (ni demasiado clásico ni demasiado moderno). Si te gusta el arte, debes ver este museo. Artistas estadounidenses, italianos, españoles y franceses están representados. Se encuentra a 20 metros del Museo Picasso."
Jean_MarcT262 / wrote in TripAdvisor -
"Esta galería artística del Born me maravilló por la belleza de las obras expuestas. Estamos tan acostumbrados a equiparar el arte contemporánea con obras herméticas y (a veces) incomprensibles, que miramos al pasado con nostalgia. El MEAM sube el nivel del arte contemporáneo. El museo sin duda está entre los museos que hay que visitar en Barcelona".
giorgio l / wrote in TripAdvisor
"Fantástico. mucha variedad calidad. ambientazo"
Casilda Santos / wrote in Google Reviews -
"Interesante y merece ser visto."
E Chabani / wrote in Google Reviews