Opens from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11m to 7pm

Pedro del Toro

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Exhibition of works by Spanish artist Pedro del Toro. The artist has been one of the ex aequo winners of the prestigious International Painting and Sculpture Contest Figurativas, which the Arts & Artists Foundation convenes bianually.

Everyone knows who Pedro del Toro is. Or heard of him. Everyone knows that he is one of the great painters of this country and everyone has seen some of his urban landscapes, generally seen in Madrid. But very few really know him.

Born in Madrid in 1970, at the age of fifteen he began free painting studies at the Workshop of the Arts, and it was not until 2000 that he did not start higher studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. Little concerned about titles and awards, although he has already received a few, I met his work through the gallery owner Santiago Sánchez Echeverria, when he managed the Castelló 120 Gallery, the only one that has really worked on Pedro del Toro's work. I was impressed by its urban landscapes and finally its «Gran Vía» was acquired for the MEAM when it was presented to the First Contest of «Figurativas», already in 2006.

In recent years, he began to present some nude or some female portrait to our contests, "Figurativas" or "ModPortrait", and from there began our interest in knowing more about his work. Until, in 2019, with «El Nudo», he won the First Prize in the 10th Contest of «Figurativas», which will be presented coinciding with this anthological exhibition at the MEAM. A true coincidence that will enhance the figure and work of an artist still young, who will have much to say in the coming years, within the great family of contemporary figurative art.


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